Review: Inheritors of the Earth: How Nature Is Thriving in an Age of Extinction
![Inheritors of the Earth: How Nature Is Thriving in an Age of Extinction](
Inheritors of the Earth: How Nature Is Thriving in an Age of Extinction by Chris D. Thomas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Without being pollyannish or denying any of the damage climate change and habitat destruction are car=using and will cause, Chris Thomas presents a realistic and yet optimistic long view of the impact of humans on our planet. Change is constant and trying to preserve or resurrect a mythic Eden of ecological perfection is a waste of time and potentially harmful. Yes, we should preserve as much diversity of all species and habitats as possible, he writes. But we are part of nature, not separate from it. We are a conscious part of nature, so we do have choice. But as thoughtful and data-drive Noahs, we should continue the revolutionary distribution of species that has increased diversity around the world, and saved some species from extinction.
This is a hopeful book and a good antidote to the spate of end-time writings. He does not take us off the hook, but rather enlarges our stewardship pf the natural world we came from, live in, and will always be a part of.
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