7 things you should know about: being a poet
Aaron McCollough, at the Universiyt of Michigan, as written an article in the Daily that has spawned much discussion amon those addicted to the useless task of writting poetry. You can find it at: http://media.www.michigandaily.com/media/storage/paper851/news/2007/11/21/TheStatement/7.Things.You.Should.Know.About.Being.A.Poet-3113270.shtml Month of Poetry I read old and new books of poetry, not for “Poetry Month” — no. When you need a month to celebrate something, it is long past dead or not yet ready for prime time. No, I read to open rhythms in my veins the way a junkie opens veins to juice his skull full of lovely, compassionate poison. I pray each poem’s words out, trying them on like religions. None ever fit right, like religions. So I move on to a new one, mouthing, listening, feeling it bump against the heart, then falter, and fall dead to my feet. Sometimes, one sentence, one phrase, one perfect set of syllables pulsates perfectly. It is enough for me to...