
Showing posts from April, 2011

Germanna's commitment to arts and education is part of life's poem | Star-Exponent

Germanna's commitment to arts and education is part of life's poem | Star-Exponent
Family Honor by Robert B. Parker My rating: 2 of 5 stars The great thing about the Spenser novels is the characterization---you begin to feel you know the main characters as real people. Sunny Randall is just Spenser in drag: same dialog, same attitude, not a fully drawn new character. The story was fun enough, but I would not reread. View all my reviews

"Late Wife" by Claudia Emerson

Late Wife: Poems by Claudia Emerson My rating: 5 of 5 stars Good poetry takes the acutely personal and finds the universal within, or transforms the abstract general into an imagined and believable local. Late Wife is rich in that good poetry. This volume is well-deserving of the honors it has received. It is the finest of confessional poetry, with beautiful phrases, language that is supple and simple and true. And as good poetry, it rewards rereading. View all my reviews

"Late Wife" by Claudia Emerson

Late Wife: Poems by Claudia Emerson My rating: 5 of 5 stars Good poetry takes the acutely personal and finds the universal within, or transforms the abstract general into an imagined and believable local. Late Wife is rich in that good poetry. This volume is well-deserving of the honors it has received. It is the finest of confessional poetry, with beautiful phrases, language that is supple and simple and true. And as good poetry, it rewards rereading. View all my reviews