Work and Days by Tess Taylor My rating: 4 of 5 stars So often when I read a book that won an award or came from a celebrated new poet, I am disappointed–often amused to try to imagine the criteria for selection. Not so with regard to Tess Taylor and her collection “Work & Days.” There are many fine lines and some fine poems in this gathering of verse inspired by hands-on farming and the reading of Virgil, Hesiod and Clare. The imagery of scent and sound and sight demonstrate Taylor’s knowledge of gleaning from the soil: Cold Trolls the hills even as frozen lakes grow cloud *** Unearthing rocks is like dislodging anger *** Las night I woke to wild unfrozen prattle. Rain on the roof–a foreign liquid tongue. She weaves her biography including a miscarriage into the soil of her reading of old poetry and the daily news and the hard working of the land. The baby I planted this year was only tissue…. [I}ts sac was empty, soil black. I bow into the abs...