
Showing posts from July, 2018

Poetry Slammed


The Magnolia Review just accepted 6 of my poems for publication in their Volume 5 Issue 1 early in 2019.

Thank you  Magnolia Review  for accepting  6 of my poems for publication in Volume 5 Issue 1 early in 2019.

The Magnolia Review just accepted 6 of my poems for publication in their Volume 5 Issue 1 early in 2019.

Thank you  Magnolia Review for accepting  6 of my poems for publication in Volume 5 Issue 1 early in 2019.

Those of us descended from past generations of “wretched refuse”

Those of us descended from past generations of “wretched refuse” must not totally close the harbor to thos3 who seek refuge today.   The New Colossus Emma Lazarus , 1849 – 1887 Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,With conquering limbs astride from land to land;Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall standA mighty woman with a torch, whose flameIs the imprisoned lightning, and her nameMother of Exiles. From her beacon-handGlows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes commandThe air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries sheWith silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” This poem is in the public domain.

How do we get the Nates of the world to read poetry?


Issue 4.2 of the Magnolia Review is out including 3 of my poems.

Issue 4.2 of the  Magnolia Review  is out including 3 of my poems. The theme was “comics.” “Superhero at Work” is a parody based loosely on my life wearing a suit. (p. 29) Plus 2 collage poems: “It’s a Stupid Game, Isn’t It?” melds lines from the great Calvin and Hobbes comic to continue its critique of war. (p. 42) ‘Chain-Smoked Monkeys” assembles some of the greatest lines from The Simpsons into a surreal poem. (p. 98)

Issue 4.2 of the Magnolia Review is out including 3 of my poems.

Issue 4.2 of the Magnolia Review is out including 3 of my poems. The theme was "comics." "Superhero at Work" is a parody based loosely on my life wearing a suit. (p. 29) Plus 2 collage poems: "It's a Stupid Game, Isn't It?" melds lines from the great Calvin and Hobbes comic to continue its critique of war. (p. 42) 'Chain-Smoked Monkeys" assembles some of the greatest lines from The Simpsons into a surreal poem. (p. 98)

Two of my poems have been published by Dual Coast Magazine

Two of my poems have been published online by Dual Coast Magazine: “ Tanka – A Long Path ” “ A Posture of Sitting ” You can also purchase a print copy  HERE .

Two of my poems have been published by Dual Coast Magazine

Two of my poems have been published online by Dual Coast Magazine: " Tanka - A Long Path " " A Posture of Sitting " You can also purchase a print copy HERE .

A joy to read even as it squarely faces the mortality of the individual and the species

Local Extinctions by Mary Quade My rating:4 out of 5 stars Mary Quade’s “Local Extinctions” melds the ecological awareness of our destruction of nature through the example of the passenger pigeon with subtle social commentary and personal biography. She has the careful eye of a naturalist with a whimsical sense of comarision as she describes the mole: Its tined fin-like forelegs for diving, surfacing–land’s inconsiderable whale And she looks at her own childhood without maudlin nostalgia but a gratitude for its “Small Hurts” as she gives homage to the rough playground of her youth in comparison with the too-safe plastic and rubber mulched present: You allowed us all to break our bones, to see beneath our blank skin– persecuted knees, ephemeral teeth, the sanguine world of gravity…” There is something of Maxine Kumin in Quade’s work and something all her own.”Local Extinctions” is a joy to read even as it squa...

A joy to read even as it squarely faces the mortality of the individual and the species

Local Extinctions by Mary Quade My rating: 4  out of 5 stars Mary Quade's "Local Extinctions" melds the ecological awareness of our destruction of nature through the example of the passenger pigeon with subtle social commentary and personal biography. She has the careful eye of a naturalist with a whimsical sense of comarision as she describes the mole: Its tined fin-like forelegs for diving, surfacing--land's inconsiderable whale And she looks at her own childhood without maudlin nostalgia but a gratitude for its "Small Hurts" as she gives homage to the rough playground of her youth in comparison with the too-safe plastic and rubber mulched present: You allowed us all to break our bones, to see beneath our blank skin-- persecuted knees, ephemeral teeth, the sanguine world of gravity..." There is something of Maxine Kumin in Quade's work and something all her own."Local Extinctions" is a joy to read even as it squarely fa...

The purpose of poetry according to Donald Hall

Donald Hall on poetry: “There is no other purpose than the beauty of it. And that is reason enough to be.”

The purpose of poetry according to Donald Hall

Donald Hall on poetry: "There is no other purpose than the beauty of it. And that is reason enough to be."

Two of my poems have been published online at Dual Coast Magazine

Two of my poems have been published online at Dual Coast Magazine. The printed issue will follow later this year. “ A Posture of Sitting ” “ Tanka: A Long Path ” Both of these poems are influenced by my readngs of Japansese and Chinese poetry in translation. “A Posture” detves from a hot I took while hiking near St. Joseph, FL.

Two of my poems have been published online at Dual Coast Magazine

Two of my poems have been published online at Dual Coast Magazine. The printed issue will follow later this year. “ A Posture of Sitting ” “ Tanka: A Long Path ” Both of these poems are influenced by my readngs of Japansese and Chinese poetry in translation. “A Posture” detves from a hot I took while hiking near St. Joseph, FL.

The Voices Project will publish my poem "Hypotonia" online on August 2, 2018.

The Voices Project will publish my poem “Hypotonia” online on August 2, 2018. This poem is another dealing with the time when my mother was dying and the great debt I owe her.

The Voices Project will publish my poem "Hypotonia" online on August 2, 2018.

The Voices Project  will publish my poem “Hypotonia” online on August 2, 2018. This poem is another dealing with the time when my mother was dying and the great debt I owe her.

The Voices Project will publish my poem "Hypotonia" online on August 2, 2018.

The Voices Project will publish my poem "Hypotonia" online on August 2, 2018. This poem is another dealing with the time when my mother was dying and the great debt I owe her.

The Summer 2018 issue of Fredericksburg Literary and Arts Review including 3 of my poems is available live through Issuu now.

The Summer 2018 issue of Fredericksburg Literary and Arts Review including 3 of my poems is available live through Issuu now. 

The Summer 2018 issue of Fredericksburg Literary and Arts Review including 3 of my poems is available live through Issuu now.

The Summer 2018 issue of Fredericksburg Literary and Arts Review including 3 of my poems is available live through Issuu now.

Two Cities Review has accepted my poem "Vertigo" for future publication on its Featured Works Blog.

Two Cities Review   has accepted my poem “Vertigo” for future publication on its Featured Works Blog. As my mother lay dying, half-aware, she feared being turned from side to side in the hospital bed as staff did to reduce chances of bed sores. This poem comes from the experience of being there with her.

Two Cities Review has accepted my poem "Vertigo" for future publication on its Featured Works Blog.

Two Cities Review   has accepted my poem "Vertigo" for future publication on its Featured Works Blog. As my mother lay dying, half-aware, she feared being turned from side to side in the hospital bed as staff did to reduce chances of bed sores. This poem comes from the experience of being there with her.

My poem, "The Stone Bird Cannot Migrate," has been published online by The Pangolin Review.

My poem, “The Stone Bird Cannot Migrate,” has been published online by The Pangolin Review . This poem is from my unpublished collection Outcast Winter .

My poem, "The Stone Bird Cannot Migrate," has been published online by The Pangolin Review.

My poem, "The Stone Bird Cannot Migrate," has been published online by The Pangolin Review . This poem is from my unpublished collection Outcast Winter .

My visual poem, "Philemon" has gone live on Heron Tree.

My visual poem, “ Philemon ” has gone live on Heron Tree . This poem of metamorphosis I hope suggests the unity of all being. This is the sixth poem of mine Heron Tree has published.

My visual poem, "Philemon" has gone live on Heron Tree.

My visual poem, " Philemon " has gone live on Heron Tree . This poem of metamorphosis I hope suggests the unity of all being. This is the sixth poem of mine Heron Tree has published.