Facing the End of All Beginnings
Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have read and reread Eliot’s Four Quartets during 6 of my nearly 7 decades thus far, and still find them the best poetry he wrote and among the best of the 20th Century. It does not matter that I am not an Anglo-Catholic or even a Christian. I still find a solace here. His overt faith in Redemption doesn’t preclude him from facing the dark living to die we all face. He is merciless in his mercy. The words are dense and beautiful. The imagery powerful. There is a Buddhist quality to his Christianity, though for him the End is Eternal Life. I will reread again as I near the end of all my beginnings.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have read and reread Eliot’s Four Quartets during 6 of my nearly 7 decades thus far, and still find them the best poetry he wrote and among the best of the 20th Century. It does not matter that I am not an Anglo-Catholic or even a Christian. I still find a solace here. His overt faith in Redemption doesn’t preclude him from facing the dark living to die we all face. He is merciless in his mercy. The words are dense and beautiful. The imagery powerful. There is a Buddhist quality to his Christianity, though for him the End is Eternal Life. I will reread again as I near the end of all my beginnings.
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