Earthrise – When will we ever learn?

When this photo from Apollo 8 was revealed in 1968, we hoped it would change the way we see our world–and each other. Sadly, we have forgotten that we live on this tiny, blue island. We despoil its fragile envelope of air and water. We blame and vilify and murder each other. All as if we were not together on a small lifeboat in a sea of darkness. All as if something or someone out there will come and fix us, fix everything we’ve ruined.

There may still be time. On this 50th anniversary of the first human footprint on another world, let’s remember that the moon or any other known planet will not support life. No one or thing is coming to save us.

Gandhi did not actually say, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” But he would likely have agreed with that quotation. And it does describe where we will find our only solutions. There may still be time….
