Six of my poems are included in the latest Magnolia Review

Six of my poems are included in the latest Magnolia Review available for free download HERE. The theme of the issue was " A Day That Changed Me."

  • "On the Edge of 1969" - on a day shortly after Woodstock when I realized I would never be cool
  • "Beneath the Six-Sided Farmhouse" - on visiting my grandparents and meeting death in their basement
  • "April 22, 1994—For Linda" - on the day my wife and I began our life together
  • "The Context of February" - on the day I realized my first marriage was truly over
  • "October 25, 2001, at 6:45 p.m." - on the day my father died
  • "Today (September 11, 2001)" - and this one is obvious
My thanks to Editor Suzanna Anderson for continuing to support my work and for allowing me the honor of selecting this year's Ink Award winner.  
